
Showing posts from January, 2023

The Essentials of Bringing Your UK-Registered Car to Spain

 The Essentials of Bringing Your UK-Registered Car to Spain    Business Moving to another country can undoubtedly be extremely exciting, but can also bring with it a lot of stress, particularly if you encounter any predictable problems for which you failed to adequately prepare. Bringing your car into Spain from the UK is a case in point – the police and Guardia Civil in the country can be notorious for their diligent checking of suspicious vehicles and the accompanying documentation. As a Briton moving to Spain, the foreign plate of any car that you bring into the country will make you an obvious target for the authorities. So what are the things that you really need to know? You Can Rest Easy To an Extent First of all, the good news: it’s perfectly legal to drive a UK-registered  car in Spain. However, you will need to ensure you are familiar with all of the relevant legislation and documentation requirements , as you otherwise run the risk of your vehicle being impounded and a massi